Monday, April 4, 2016

Round 4. Gold

Rumple Gold - Romance - LTW Have 20 Simultaneous Loves
Cora (Mills) Gold - Family - LTW Reach Golden Anniversary

Last time:  Rumple started the round with an outing to the bowling alley with the intentions of making a friend but didn't succeed.  He and Cora Mills continued dating, he asked her to move in and she did.  This action was quickly followed by a wedding, of which all the kids and their spouses came.  Dogs Eileen and Ichabod were added to the family, and Cora ended the round pregnant.  Lacy left for University.

Rumple had a hankerin' to see his daughter Lacy since she graduated from Uni and returned to town.  She didn't move back in with dad and Cora,  but instead bought her own place.  (See it off in the distance, there).  She came over to visit and brought this fellow with her.  Rumple was quite suspicious.  He had no idea Lacy knew Mr. Big.

The days were quiet; he and Cora (Mills) had a lot of "alone" time waiting for their baby to be born.  (They dated to keep up their aspiration!)

Last round they had purchased a puppy named Ichabod from the shelter, and he grew up.  Lacy brought Eileen home from the pet store to keep him company, the two dogs became great friends by the time Ichabod aged up.  Cora went right outside to influence the dogs to try for puppies but neither dog liked her well enough to do it.

She spent her days waiting for the baby to be born studying cooking, hoping to get a hobby plaque.

In the mean time Rumple went to work every day and gained promotions.

This coworker who seemed to have the same position he did, promised him a promotion.  heh

On Wednesday the babies were born!  Twins!

Okie dokie, so ASimWen is watching PBS Masterpeice Mystery on TV while playing, so these two little dudes are named after Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson.  

Neither boy exhibits their mom's skintone...Sherlock shows his dad's, and John has picked up a skintone from a long lost relative.  I am especially anxious to watch the genetics in this family.

Woo look at that...the co worker who promised Rumple a promotion came over and left a DJ station as a gift.  Sold off.

Cora resumed studying for the culinary hobby plaque, and spun up Science as  well.  Sorry lady, can only study for one at a time.  Besides, you already have the Science plaque.  You left it in your old house...Henry will give it to you when we visit his lot.

Soon it was time for Sherlock's birthday.  What?  he and John are twins.  Well...John was bugged.  He was stuck in a diaper changing loop with his dad.  Over and over.  So he was deleted and brought back onto the lot...which reset his age a day back.  So their birthdays are on different days.

Hm....I can see features from both his mom and his dad.

There were no toys in the house, so Sherlock commenced to dance to the party music.  Awwww!  But apparently Music and Dance was not his predestined hobby.

His dad had other ideas and proceeded to teach him his toddler skills right away.

Oh?  What's this?  Rumple gained admittance to Desirable Discourse.  This means he has been either reading or writing a novel.  Yes, he is working toward the Film and Lit hobby plaque.

And Cora held a wish to make sure Sherlock could go potty.

Somewhere along the line Rumple managed to convince Eileen and Ichabod to try for puppies.  Here four!

Again, named after characters in PBS's Sherlock series.  They were immediately picked up by Animal Control.

That particular action caused some trouble in this game.  Cora was on her way to work for the first time after the boys were born.  Right after ASimWen snapped this picture, the Animal Control officer approached her and announced the puppies were being picked up.  That wiped Cora's action to go to work.  Being that Captain Heroes fly to work...Cora couldn't figure out how to go without being told how.  heh  Sooooo she thought to try to walk to work ....walked to the customary spot she flies from and disappeared. ?? 

When she returned home from work, she was invisible.  She still managed to throw a birthday part for John.  Floating baby, everyone!

She carried him across the room before taking him to the potty.

She managed to slip on the skilling booster hat..before putting him on the potty.  Invisible mommy!

During all the invisible woman drama, party guests Belle (Gold) Mills and Balin Wolf have a friendly reunion in the yard.

John started making friends with the dogs.  :)

The next morning Cora was still invisible, so she visited Sue's Kitchen to partake in a cooking contest and she reappeared.  How did the contest go?

She lost.  Teen Nicole Thompson won with...what is that...lobster tails?  Or is that bass?  I am not sure  It is some sort of seafood.  Apparently the judge was more for omega 3s than fertility treatment cheesecake.  Simmies always make cheesecake when they do these contests just in case a pregnant Sim comes in and partakes in a haphazard bite.


Boys will be boys...fighting brothers!

The boys were ready for an afternoon snack, and John could not get his bottle quickly enough to suit him.

He gives Sherlock's bottle a hard yank!

John:  Gimme gimme gimme!

Sherlock:  Nooooooo!!!!!!!  Waaaaaah!

John:  Got it!

Sherlock:  Nooo!  Give it back!

John:  Glub, glub, glub...

Sherlock:  *Tears*

Cora:  Boys, boys stoppit!  Off to bed you go!

All the bottle drama over and another shift as Captain Hero under her belt, Cora decides to get a new job.  She is only three days from elder now and wanted to work in a second career before retirement.  Knowing how law enforcement worked, she decided to test the grass on the other side of the fence and got a job in the Criminal career field.

That same day was Sherlock's birthday.  Everyone came to the party.

All grown up, a day for his bottle stealing brother John!

The party was quite chaotic....and the cops came in to shut it down.  For once the Millses were not making out at a party.  Henry was playing on the computer and Belle was making friends with one of Rumple's co workers.

Monday morning rolls around with Sherlock playing with Eileen before school.  She is pregnant again.  Next time this lot is visited, it will be John's birthday.  And the Golds will probably move to a new home so they can have enough yard to put out a garden!  Until then, toodles!

Thanks for reading everybody!  Up next, the Mills lot!

Keep on Simmin'!



  1. where they natural twins? Belle is a family sim so there is always a chance of twins. Bit of glitch with the invisible woman, glad you have got it sorted.

    1. I didn't take the prosperity points for the twins because it is turned on for all my family sims. I think the rules state that we can't count twins if an "in game patch was used". I will only count them if they happen to a couple of which neither is a Family Sim.

  2. Cute with the bottle fight, I never saw that before :)

  3. Whew, another fairly eventful round. I don't remember there being any sort of points for twins...other than they add 2 sims to the hood.

    1. I think you are right, I don't think there is points for twins either. I think I am thinking of Legacy where there are? Not sure.
