August Booth - Knowledge - Become a Mad Scientist
Mona Booth - Knowledge - Become a Media Magnate
Lila - Grow Up
Hi-Ho dear readers! We begin round 4 in this Prosperity Town, and if ASimWen is calculating correctly, we shouldn't have anyone who is eligible to go to Uni this round! Thank goodness! It is not my favorite thing to do in TS2, but oh so important in the Prosperity Challenge, and to the future in any Sim's life!
In Round 3 at the Booth homestead, August's mother Phone experienced her transition to the Sim after life via a nice hula party courtesy of Grim and the zombie hula girls. She contributed a nice gold/white tombstone to this Prosperity Challenge. But before this happened, ASimWen bulldozed their home and moved them to a new lot and built a nice one level house with a Great Hall, and three bedrooms, two bath. It is totally expandable to hold future generations! August started the round by marrying his Uni love Mona in front of friends and family. Shortly thereafter Phone moved on. Mona and August continued life as two skilling Knowledge Sims but eventually brought baby Lila into the world. August began preparing for a future garden by raking lives and dumping them into the compost. What are they up to this round?
Mona leaves for work in Journalism as a Fact Checker. Doesn't she look smart!
She received help from friends with promotions, even though she went to work every day ready to do what ever necessary herself to get that promotion!
In the mean time August decided to work toward the Nature hobby plaque. Sort of hard to do with winter raging. These bushes appear to still grow in the winter, so August constantly checked them for growth so trimming could be done.
Mona's chosen hobby is Tinkering, so she set off to win the plaque. First up, get this car in shape to run! It has to look good too!
Go you August! You are perm plat! This means you can be worked and worked toward plaques and badges....just taking hits on the energizer every now and then. What is the new LTW? Why it is to become a Game Designer of course!
Ha. August took on robotic like eyes momentarily, I just had to get a he is posing in his Mad Scientist uniform with his hobby plaque in Science. Mona is studying Physiology as she long held a wish for it. August is watching the Sim Sports channel, as Sports is his chosen hobby. Going for it!
Lila spent most of her time playing with blocks and the bunny head, gathering lots of charisma and mechanical points. Once she grew up, it was found out that like her mother her chosen hobby is Tinkering. Of course, her big handsome daddy August spent a lot of time reading to her, singing nursery rhymes and playing.
Soon it was time for Lila's birthday. Mona made spaghetti for the few close friends who attended. Regina (Mills) Nolan came, but here husband James did not. He is holding a heckuva grudge against August for flirting with a girl in Uni that neither one of them ended marrying! (Belle (Gold) Mills).
Lila, all grown up! Love her! But will be sending her to the mirror to change the hair. She looks much like her father.
August: Hey Henry Mills! Howzit goin' buddy?
Henry: You old dog....
Mona: *Blows party horn a bit late*
Regina (Mills) Nolan and Belle (Gold) Mills. heh Sisters in law! Love getting Sims together so they can keep up relationships without interaction from me! Saves a lot of work!
Like this hair on her! Now get to work cleaning that toilet, kid! Hate how the toilets get over use during parties and get nasty real quick.
In order to keep Mona away from Henry Mills (for whom she has unrequited love) ASimWen sent her to the phone to work on keeping up old relationships. Here this townie promised her a promotion! Hooray!
Lila went to bed with about two minutes left in the party, exhausted. However the party was a huge success none the less!
That night Leader of the Pack Bobo paid a visit to the Booth lot. He was one that would come around when August's grandpa ran a majhong parlor. Bobo mourns the graves of the Booths from long past. He did this more than once during this play.
Watchin' football....pretty soon August will be able to go outside and start the garden. Winter would be over soon.
Mona finished working on the car the first day of Spring. My oh my what a great looking muscle car! August can be seen in the back yard putting out the garden, finally.
Another gold gardening badge in the hood! This is a definite plus to get into Garden Club!
In the mean time, Lila gains admittance to Will's Garage! She is well on her way to get the Tinkering Hobby Plaque!
Woah Risky! Surprise, surprise! Another Booth is on the way. Goodie!!
Mona proudly drives to work in her new car.
While August attends his first day of work in Gaming, Mona works on the garden. She will try for that gold badge too!
Wow August! Go you! As far as Prosperity Challenge is concerned, you cannot get any more points for working different jobs. But we may work you anyhow for $$$. What is your new LTW? Become a Space Pirate! Alrighty then!
Mona gets a
Maxes Charisma, of which she was showing a wish to do.
Speaking of maxing skills....I see you Lila! All maxed out in mechanical. Now onward to that tinkering plaque.
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All decked out for...... |
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Garden Club Inspection!!! |
Being that Mona had been doing much of the gardening work, she wished to get into the Garden Club. On Sunday afternoon, they were called. *fingers crossed*
Here they oh my but they look stern!
It was a family affair. Mona, August and Lila all worked the plants while the Inspectors did their job. It would be just like a sneaky plant to shoot up weeds during the inspection.
Yum yum, good apples coming down the road! |
Turns dark during the inspection. She comments on the pond plants. |
Mona makes it into the Garden Club. I had hoped to get August in as well, but it will have to wait until next round. That's right - August is not in the club! So all this crap that was bought for the inspection will stay right where it is until then. (trees, sculptures...bushes...ect).
At last minute Monday morning just as the sun was rising Mona was bestowed with a silver badge in gardening. And this is where we leave the Booths for round 4.
For as many years as I have been playing Prosperity, I only now understood the scoring for Garden Club. The number points to individual Sims that are garden club members, not number of lots. So this means that 75% of the population in the hood must be garden club members to get the scoring for it. heh
Next.....The Nolans!
Odd Pics Out
August takes time to teach Balin to roll over.
Keep on Simmin'!
round four here we go, i still haven't called the garden club even now i have more elders. I concentrate more on the children and the teens, but i am trying for the hobby plagues. Unless their wish to retire i keep them working. New baby next round for the booths
ReplyDeleteI love to garden in RL, so my Simmies always nearly do it! Pluse you can't beat the benefits of the juice combinations from the produce in the game.
DeleteI am too scared to try gardening much as I always fail at getting the well, you do it so well xx
ReplyDeleteWell I save my game right before the garden club is called. If it fails, they will tell you what you need to correct. I quit without saving, come back in and fix it, and call the Club again. ;)
DeleteOooh I will give it a go then and try that, thank you xx
DeleteI know you meant leaves, but I cracked up at the sentence about August preparing for the garden by "raking lives and dumping them into the compost". :D Great job on the garden club. I'm read your hints and tricks for getting in, but haven't tried it yet. I didn't realized it was all people that had to get into the garden club either...*sigh* Guess I have lots of work to do. You sure to manage to skill up kids quickly. Great round as always.