Monday, April 4, 2016

Round 4 Status

Round 4 Scoring


I decided to include the finishing bonus in my score...I am finding I am enjoying this prosperity much more than Prosperity that one was focused on number of sims and finishing the LTW.  This one is more badge/hobby plaque focused allowing me to enjoy my Sims much more. 

Number of Sims

And that's all folks!  I am refraining from posting the score for the Swan Legacy as it is the same as last week...1.50.  One of these days it will go up, then I will post. 

Up next, Round 5!!

Thank you for reading and sticking with ASimWen's Prosperity!



  1. It's amazing how different styles of play can really affect your enjoyment of playing. I have always enjoyed my prosperity hoods, but also can feel the strain of trying to LTW's and numbers of sims. It is fun sometimes to just have them focus on different things. :)
