Sunday, February 28, 2016

Round 2. Booth

Welcome to Round 2 of the Prosperity Number 2 prosperity challenge.

Last week:   Filler Booth met a swift and untimely death by disease as...she was well...a "filler".  The two elder Booths Phone and Photo Booth launched into realizing their LTWs of 20 Simultaneous Lovers by planting a garden to win the wishing well, and the opening of a home based business to realize 5 top level businesses.  August grew up from toddler to child, and learned how to pull weeds in his grandma's garden.  Phone received a bronze badge in gardening.

 Ha.  Here we are visiting the Booth Family.  ASimWen decided to pick up where things left off last week, with Photo pulling weeds in the greenhouse.

Photo  receives admittance to Peerless Park.  Good for him.  Morning rolls around, and Phone springs out of bed excited to start the day.

The first order of business was to work her aspiration up a little by hunting bugs and doing a little bird watching.  Then she went inside to gain a cooking skill by reading a cookbook.  She was finally ready.

A coin was thrown into the wishing well that won last week, and friends were wished for.

Three senior citizens were promptly delivered.

Some joking, gossiping, gave her three best friends.  (If only it were that easy in real life).  

Oh what's this?  This gentleman had a message for Phone.

This is a good message to get.  This means that freebies are in the not too distant future!

This made for a step up in ranking for Photo's business.  Woot!

Photo's customers have such a great time, they give satisfaction stars while passed out in grilled cheese sandwiches.  Somehow Wanda Tinker lost weight too on this lot like her husband Stephen did last week.  Makes ASimWen wonder if there is a hacked item on the lot that makes people lose weight.

Monday night wolves started visiting the Booth home business.  Bobo here finds Gordon Wolosenko's dancing something to be beholden.

Grrrrr!  You look like you are up to no good smell like an enemy!

Hey don't I look fierce???  I am going to scare you then I am going to scare you some more!

Yeah, I am gonna scare ya, then I am gonna....oh wait, is that a flower garden?  Ahhhhh...this is heavenly!

 Balin:  Hey Bobo....I have been sent here to get are being an embarrassment to the pack...errrr...Bobo?  Come on man, you have had enough.  Time to go.

Bobo:  Yum, yum, yum.

Balin:  It's getting late, buddy.  Come with me and be really quiet.....I'll help you sneak back into the den and we will forget that anything ever happened, ok? 

Bobo:  Ahhhhh...  

Balin:  Just keep goin' lady.  Nothing to see here.

Bobo:  Glub, glub, glub

The wolf action was finally over, and August got up at 5 am on Tuesday to clean up after the night of partying before anyone started complaining.  After cleaning, it was breakfast, then off to school.

 Phone headed right for the wishing well and wished once again for friends.

She was once again rewarded with 3 senior citizens, and one of them gave her a sample to fool around with.

Another television.  It was the second one they received.  It was promptly sold off.

Photo's business was rewarded with a boost to rank 7.  It wouldn't be long now before level 10 was reached.

By now it was winter time and people had a hard time staying warm to sit for long periods of time to play mahjong.  But the business plodded along.

Phone made efforts to on the phone to keep up the friendships she was making through the wishing well.  This would be important.

She went on outings downtown with them, but she didn't do well with those.  However she did a fantastic job at shopping for clothes for herself and August.

She collected phone numbers for more people to call and make friends.

Level eight.  Photo noticed that his fellow players at the mahjong table was getting cold, judging by his skin color.

On the day that Phone went to the wishing well in green aspiration to ask for friends, she was presented with the same ones from two days before, and they didn't seem to like her any more than they did the first time the popped out of the wishing well.  Don't know if that was a glitch, or because she was in green aspiration.

So she resolved to take care of wishes from that point on to work up the aspiration before trying the wishing well.

August sure worked a trick here, as he had not done one homework assignment.  Before he could lay his notebook down when he got off the bus, he would pop out of action, and no homework was produced.  But he got credit for it.

Then the day came for his birthday.  Birthdays and other family events were always a big hit with the patrons of his grandpa's business.

WooHoo!  Grow up little man!  Grow up!

August grew up with an LTW to become a Mad Scientist.  Being Knowledge, he will no doubt want to go to University, and get admitted in to private school.

Grandpa Photo made hamburgers for everyone, including a frozen woman.

August jumped a little rope to get a skill his LTW would flip for ASimWen.  Just as he gained his fourth body skill point, the party ended on a high note.  August was happy even though nobody Phone called to the party came.  It was all business patrons.

And with the success of the birthday party, it was time to get back to business.  The tomato plants were turning brown, so Phone got to work fixing them up and as a result received a silver badge  in gardening.

August was showing a wish to get "a" body skill point so he just spent the night studying physiology.  Jumped that rope and gained the rest of the skill points right before the schoolbus came, and gained mega aspiration points, being a Knowledge Sim and all. 

After August left for school, Phone rushed over to the wishing well to wish for friends.  She received the same ones as Tuesday.  ASimWen realized Phone was not going to gain enough friends in a decent amount of time to turn them into lovers to attain her LTW of 20.  I am not sure why she kept getting the same Sims out of that wishing well.

Both she and Photo did not have much life left.  ASimWen realized it would take more time than she wants to mess with these two to reach their LTWs.  The lot was in no homework EVER for August.  As a teen, he would pop out of the action, still.  More could still go wrong.

August came home from school, popped out of the homework action, and waited for the Headmaster visit, as he was showing the wish for private school.  Photo had turned off charging people to play majhong so that would not be a hindrance for Korey Jitmakusol.

He was really impressed with the jukebox Photo had installed for his customer's enjoyment.

The tour was a big hit, as was the spaghetti Phone prepared.  There was a lot of great conversation around the table, what with all the customers there and all.

August made it!

It seemed to be a great day at the Booths that day for as soon as August was admitted into private school

Photo's business reached rank 9.  Good way to go!

August proudly trooped off to school in his private school uniform that day with a good feeling about everything.

Photo's time was up.

Yes, ASimWen was letting him go.  Liked this is as if Grim was pointing the way to the cemetery.  :)

Not that the family needed any money....  For August, this mean his Grandpa Photo was leaving him the home business.  August had no interest in it a all and shut it down.

August realized he was the patriarch of the Booth family now and immediately got on the phone to make sure everything was in line with college.  He did receive the Orphan scholarship.

As far as Phone was concerned she was not going to make her LTW of 20 simultaneous loves with the wishing well not giving her a variety of friends, so she decided to go for max influence at death.  She spent her time talking and joking with everyone she knew, and really didn't have that far to go.

She bought a date from the matchmaker....

And received a two bolt attraction. My but she was being tough.  She racked up a friendship right away.

The wishing well brought her the science guy.

Another friendship.  Almost there!

In the meantime August was doing that Knowledge Sim thing and studying, studying, studying.  And getting scared by his mom's ghost which of course is a great thing for a Knowledge Sim.


At this point it was back into the house for more studying, until the time came to go.

And once again he picked up the phone and made the call.

Buh bye August.  Have fun in University.  This was early Monday morning.

In the meanwhile on Sunday afternoon Phone made another friend, Mitch Wolosenko from the well.  6 pm came and went and no visit from Grim, so it looked like she was going to hang in there until next round.  

One of Phone's friends brought by a stereo.  It went into August's backpack before he left for college.

And this is the end of Round 2 for the Booths.  The net worth of this lot went down by a few thousand bucks, due to closing the business.

Notes - August will return from University by Round 3, and I plan to return him to this house, then move the family off this lot and bulldoze.  The lot is bugged as August never had a homework notebook, and Phone received the same people repeatedly out of the wishing well for friends.  The well is supposed to introduce new Sims.

I let Grim take Photo before his LTW of 5 Top Level Businesses was met.  My plan was to get all 5 businesses from the home business reaching level 10, lose a star, gain back the star for another business as having reached the top.  But then with the lot being bugged I wasn't sure that would work.  I knew already that I was going to move the family, and really didn't want to start over with his LTW on a new lot so I let him go.  Not sure how I feel about letting Phone reach her LTW, she is over halfway there with numbers of friends, and even has a couple of loves.  She will have her Grim party the first day of the new round if she doesn't get some elixir.  It is so hard to keep her out of green/red aspiration, the woman is inconsolable and difficult.  We will see!

At any rate!  Thanks for reading~!




  1. beautiful sims and I love the names too. I need to back track and catch up on this story.

    1. Someone finally mentioned the naming conventions in this hood! now I am waiting for someone to name exactly where it came from. (August Booth)

  2. Oh my goodness. I loved the dog stuff, so funny! There are so sims that you just don't necessarily mind letting go. I understand about the 20 loves thing, a bunch of my elders have that, nearly all of them, and I'm really only putting effort into one of the, but she might not make it before I get tired to fighting with her. :) Nice round though.

  3. So the ltw of 5 top business, and letting one drop to level 9 and back again that is not cheating? As I have few in my hood that want top 5 business. Yeah I love the dog stuff, does sound like your house is already got a glitch at least people turned up for the business and private school.

    1. I don't think that would be cheating? I call it a nice loophole shortcut. :). This is not my favorite LTW and therefore would look for the quickest shortest way to accomplish. I didn't realize that would count as an additional business for the LTW until one time in a different hood long long ago....hahaha

  4. Oh man! So close to Rank 10 for Photo's business! I was so sad that August shut it down. Lol.

    I hate the have 50 Love & 50 Best friends LTW. I don't *want* that many townie Sims in the game!

    Good luck to August in his first semester!


  5. Oh it's a real shame about the lot being bugged, so soon into the challenge too!
    Still it was a good week for The Booth's. I always forget about the wishing well, must use that. :D
    I don't think a loophole is cheating either- that's why it's called a loophole. :D
    Sad to see Photo go but life moves on. :)
