Emma Swan - Family - Graduate 3 from University
Phil Jitmaksol - Knowledge - Become A Mad Scientist
Leroy - Grow Up
Heidi-Ho Neighbors! Here we are visiting the Swan Legacy lot of Prosperity Two, round 3.
Last round: Emma and Phil spent copious amounts of time skilling for their jobs. Emma was still struggling to work her way up in the education career field, and Phil found a job in his LTW of Science. Baby Leroy was born and shortly after, Emma began having yearnings for her old lover Rodney Jung. She had a brief fling with him, and we ended the round with Emma making a run for the bathroom. Let's get down to business and see what is going on now!
Looks like Emma and Phil are in the bedroom having a discussion, and the inheritance icon appears over Emma's head. Golly, there has been lots of deaths this round. Who is this from? Ah. Red Nolan, James's aunt. Didn't realize Emma and Red knew each other that well.
When the lot closed last round Emma had held a wish for 4 days to get engaged to Rodney. It has now been downgraded to "talk to Rodney" so we won't break up the happy relationship she has with Phil. At least not right now. heh
On Tuesday it was Leroy's birthday. By now Emma was showing with her second pregnancy. Oh who is the daddy? Emma has not shown any wishes to get married, only engaged. Note the co worker on the left who came home from work with Emma, then there is James Nolan who came over for the party, and of course Phil.
Who does Leroy look like?
Emma decided to use maternity leave to work on the garden. Being a legacy house, the wishing well will be needed! She is also going to try for the nature hobby plaque.
After school on his very first day, Leroy brought a friend home from school, and quickly made a new friend.
Looky at that! Emma made it to Peerless Park!
Phil gets a promotion....
And someone drops by with a present. OOohhh what is he leaving? An expensive vase? A karaoke machine? Or perhaps a telescope?
Ya gotta be kiddin' me. A picnic table set????? lol
Bronze badge. Yay!
Phil: That was some kind of woo-hoo....
Emma: Yes, and look what it got us. Another one on the way.
Leroy brings a friend home after school. And so it starts....it looks like Viola Reamon has reached some kind of milestone with Leroy. She is getting aspiration points!
Leroy flips aspiration. He had a wish to make friends with Viola.
Leroy wanted to do his homework, and Emma had a wish to teach him! Sounds like a great match to me!
It was time for baby number two.
A baby girl named Lana. What a cutie patootie!
In the mean time, work on the garden goes on. It will be time soon for the garden club inspection. Emma continually hit the energizer so she could work on the yard around the clock when she wasn't working or taking care of Lana.
Phil is now a Science Teacher. Does he work at the same school where Emma does? heh
Speaking of Emma, she still worked hard in the Education field in between gardening and being mom.
Alright so this is a picture of the lot as it is going to be presented to The Garden Club in an attempt to win the wishing well.
The garden was fixed up a bit with some ornamental plants and lights, and of course the lady bug houses. Garden Club loves those. Emma worked hard to get everything ship shape.
Emma called for the gardener to come and help her keep the garden clean of weeds and watered while the Garden Club inspectors did their thing.
A bug free plant! |
Around the pond. |
The Garden Club loves to see a pond on the lot with ornamental plants around it/in it. Like these cat tails and then some lily pads floating in the water.
The gardener leaves, but the inspection still went on. But Emma felt as though she had a good chance of getting the wishing well for her legacy family.
Woo Hoo! Not only did the legacy lot get $1,458, it was also given the wishing well. That will be put to good use.
And the house is stripped of the things that would not be kept after the inspection. The sculpture, the fountain, the big trees in the back.
The gardening excitement over, back to hum drum skilling. Phil was very happy to max out...errr.....cooking.
Soon it was Lana's birthday. And looky who came when invited...Russ Bear. Nobody seemed to note that he was there. Dang he did just rip them off not too long ago.
Looked like Rumple
Gold was attempting to sock Russ in the arm, but they were just dancing. Geesh. Yes, Russ ripped the
Golds off too.
And the cutie patootie Lana. Love her cuteness!
Garden work continues as Emma is still working on getting the Nature Hobby Plaque. She nets the Gold Gardening Badge! Way to go!
Phil has been working it too! He is awarded the bronze.
It soon became apparent that baby number 3 was on the way. Phil just sits and eats and daydreams.
Phil decided it was time to make an honest woman out of Emma, even though she never rolled "get married" which ASimWen found to be highly unusual for a Family Sim. Friends were called for the hitchin' ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Jitmakusol!
Yummo cake!!!!! Note lovebirds Henry and Belle Mills in the background making out. heh
Belle and Henry Mills |
I just love this couple. Hope they have children next round.
Young Leroy harvests the orange tree. I don't know that I recall having Sim kids do this before.
And we finish out the week with solid proof that baby 3 is on the way.
Next up, University! It will be quick, there is only one Sim.
Lacy Gold!
Thanks for reading, and keep on Simmin'!
PS - Lana's baby daddy is Phil! :)