Hi ho! This is the last lot in this Prosperity Challenge No 2, and I am seizing the opportunity to play the Legacy Challenge with it, being that I have a beautiful single Sim and all. At first I was thinking to only play the core rules but after peeking at the different versions of the spreadsheet, I will just play what is on the spreadsheet.
Emma Swan is a Family Sim with the LTW to graduate 3 from University. Completely doable, and great for the Prosperity Challenge. She is on a 5 X 6 lot....not sure but I think for the scorecard I have she should have been on a 6 X 6. But no matter. It is gonna be tuff anyway I play it.
Emma was showing a wish for a cooking skill, and it was so. Right about the time she finished winning that skill point, the newspaper was delivered, and she took a job in Entertainment. Being that ASimWen thinks she looks a little like Lisa Marie Presley. Heh.
Mr Humble dropped by the computer, and she sold it. Needed the cash...at this point in time she took a look at her skills. She was due to work that day as a Stand Up Comedian, so she purchased a mirror and gained one charisma point. It was time to eat then, and she knew the Welcome Wagon would be dropping by.
Again, it was the folks from
Bluewater. Don't they have anything better to do? Emma offered grilled hot dogs to everyone. They were well received.
Mr. Landgraab made himself known to her and yak yak yak about himself. The carpool showed up for Emma in the meantime.
She left her guests gathered around the hot dogs.
Carmen Patch came home with her from work, and they had an a great visit, Emma made a new friend.
But she was not happy in the entertainment career. She looked every day for a new job. Being a comedian just didn't fit her as a Family Sim.
On Tuesday she had a day off from work, and decided to invite Carmen over for some girl time.
They talked, giggled, gossiped.....to a Rockin' Time! Emma hoped this would help her in the future!
In the mean time...she tried to make some cash on the side but only dug up bones and rocks.
Doing this made her nothing but dirty and sweaty.
Wednesday morning her dream job came up. She quickly took it, and walked to work right away. But oh my goodness.
There was an issue on the playground and Emma handled it all wrong.
She was fired straight away!
Her friend at the old job...Carmen helped her to get her job back. She was very happy, and thankful for Carmen!
At that point, she decided to study physiology and gained full body points in return.
This young man dropped by to tell Emma that good things were going to come her way from now on. Emma couldn't be happier, perhaps she would get married soon!
Yes, good things. She was promoted on Thursday, and brought a co-worker home. Samantha Ottomas.
The two started talking and getting to know one another. Then Sam dropped this on Emma:
Emma was going to get discounts on furniture from now on! Boy could she use those coupons!
Emma knew she had made a great friend in Samantha Ottomas.
It was another Rockin' Time outing! What good thing would Emma get from this?
Ah well! You can't beat this with a stick!
It was Friday by now, and Emma had worked all the way up to Substitute Teacher. It was time to go out on the town and look for a husband.
No place like Downtown~!
She found herself sitting alone while happy couples around her talked and laughed. After she finished her favorite dish of spaghetti, Emma decided to take a turn around the floor and check out the men.
The bartender? Nope. He was a goof. Emma gasped and quickly walked the other way. She then went out onto the dance floor and scoped the room out.
Joe Carr....Emma found him very attractive! And he had gifts to give right away!
WOW!!!! |
Joe barely knew her yet he was going to help her promote in her job. What a guy! But sadly, he was only a one bolt attraction. Emma at least wanted two.
She then went home, and tried the pizza delivery person. Nope. No interest in the least.
Repairman? ASimWen remembers this guy makes pretty babies. Emma was not in the least attracted. Dang, she was very choosy.
The next morning which was Saturday, Rodney Jung walked by Emma's lot, she ran out to say hello to him. And she liked him! After some flirting, ASimWen sees it is another one bolt attraction. Ugh. But, Emma's mood was low so the two decided to go on a date.
They had a fine meal at a restaurant, but it seemed that every move was forced. Rodney was very interested, but Emma's mind kept wondering. The date did rank "Dream" but Emma decided that Rodney was not the one. One bolt. No.
When she returned home very late, this guy was hanging out in front of her lot. His name was Phil Jitmakusol and like Joe Carr gave her a present right away.
She promptly sold it. Winter was coming on and she needed cash to build a house.
It did not take long for them to get
very close. All to soon Emma was very tired, and said goodbye to Phil. She felt like maybe she might have found "the one".
The next day she called her new friend Samantha Ottomas and told her that she soon may be getting pregnant. She was so excited.
At this point, she had enough funds to build a small house. Selling the vase from her outing with Samantha and the television sample from Phil did the trick. After all if she wanted to start a family, she had to have a roof to put over her family's head. And not to soon, it was the first day of winter, and it was difficult to stay warm now.
She was so happy cooking her first meal in her new house. She called Phil and asked him to come over for a date!
There was lots of hugging, kissing, and suddenly (and ASimWen does
not have ACR) Emma began to relax on the bed . ASimWen read this as a sign that Phil needed to join her. The relationship points were not high enough for 'try for baby' but there was lots of hugging and kissing.
The date lasted well into the night. There was a terrific attraction here, two bolts. Emma felt that Phil was the one.
Phil is a Knowledge Sim with the wish to become a Mad Scientist. And he was showing a wish to get engaged to Emma!
He wasted no time at all asking her.
She happily accepted. Visions of having babies began to dance through her head.
By now it was the wee hours of Monday morning, and ASimWen decided this was a good place to end this round...with the sounds of chimes floating through the house. It is always great fun to send a Sim out on a Mate Hunt.
Thank you for reading!